Ladies Bible Study
Be watching for information on our next Tuesday morning ladies' Bible study. Generally we meet from 10:00-11:30 in the Family Life Center. Childcare is provided as needed, but please make us aware of your need when you register.

Moms GiG
Are you the mother of a school-age child? Come join the Moms GiG family! Moms GiG is a ministry of Good Shepherd Baptist Church that offers mentoring, leadership development, honest conversation, relevant teaching, creative activities, and a little respite from your daily routine. We meet most 1st and 3rd Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am, September through May. We hope to see you soon!

Lunch Bunch
The third Thursday of every month, the women of Good Shepherd fellowship while eating lunch together. For more information, watch the bulletin and/or the "Get Plugged In" box on the Home page!